Guardar datos personales y arrastrarlos

Feb 22, 2019

disculpa en mis cursos pongo examen pre entonces cuando salen los resultados pues no hay viene el nombre de quien lo contesto porque esa información no se guarda, ¿cómo se ha de dar el nombre de que se introdujo?

6 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hello Galilea!  This is how I understood your question:

I apologize in my courses I put pre exam then when the results come out because there is no name of the one who answered it because that information is not saved, how is it to be given the name that was introduced?

If you are looking to include the learner's name on the Results slide, you can include a text entry field asking for their name in the course and reference the text entry variable on the results slide.  Whatever they enter in the text entry field can be shown again with a variable reference in a text box or other shape.

Also, if you include the option to Print Results on the Results slide, Storyline can prompt for the learner's name and include it on the report.

If that isn't what you're asking, please let me know!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

HI Galilea,

It sounds like you're looking for an example of how to add a text entry to a slide as the print results feature isn't working for you in Storyline? If you've already reviewed the links Crystal shared, you may also want to take a look at the Getting Started videos, and there is one on adding interactivity with variables that may help you get started with that text entry.

For the issue you ran into with the print results, could you share more about what happened? There are a few known reasons why it may not be working outlined here. 

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