Help with a drag and drop

Mar 06, 2018

Hi community

I'm having trouble with a drag and drop, I've attached the Storyline file for reference.

The problems I'm having are:

After the correct or incorrect feedback layers are shown, 45, 75 and 80 can't be dragged.

If 35 or 50 go in their correct drop area and another number is in the other drop area, 35 or 50 comes up as incorrect.

If the incorrect layer is shown and then the correct numbers are dropped on the correct targets, the submit button has to be selected twice for the feedback to appear.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, this one is driving me round the twist!



4 Replies
Walt Hamilton


The best way to put it is that you are trying to do too much, and what you are doing is interfering with SL's ability to do its work.  You have written a lot of triggers that duplicate the built-in triggers already in the quiz slides, and they are conflicting.  I recommend that you delete these triggers:


Part of the function of "submit interaction" is that it sets the drag items to their "Drop Correct" or "Drop Incorrect" state, as well as showing the appropriate correct or incorrect layer.

If 35 box is not dropped on its proper target, it will automatically be set to Drop Incorrect state.


If 35 box is not dropped on its proper target, it will automatically be set to Drop Incorrect state.

You don't need to pause the timeline on a layer unless you have check Close layer when timeline ends. The easiest method is to attach a trigger to the "Close Feedback" button that closes this layer when clicked.


Same rationale as above, but I think these may be on a different layer.


Same rationale as above. The submission process takes care of all this.

Start with just the "submit interaction" trigger on the base and "hide this layer when user clicks Close Feedback" (on both the correct and incorrect layers and see if things don't work better for you.

Alley Perry

Thanks Walt, really appreciate you looking at this. 

I've removed triggers etc, although cannot remove the pause timeline ones on the incorrect and correct layers otherwise the feedback boxes go off the screen prematurely.

As it stands 45, 75 and 80 don't change to the drop incorrect state when dropped on either of the drop targets. Also, once the submit button is selected none of these boxes can be moved. Is this because they don't have a drop target?

If 35 and 50 go in the wrong drop targets and submit is selected, the incorrect feedback appears, but then when you move them into the correct drop targets, the correct feedback doesn't appear.

35 and 50 will go to drop incorrect if they are not moved to the drop target, is there any way this can be prevented?

I've attached the updated file, should you have time to look at it.

Many thanks :-) 



Walt Hamilton

I've removed triggers etc, although cannot remove the pause timeline ones on the incorrect and correct layers otherwise the feedback boxes go off the screen prematurely.

Actually,it could be done. Don't set the layer to hide when the timeline finishes, and make the trigger on the Close Feedback button read "Hide layer when user clicks", But the way you have it works fine, too, so don't change it.

Also, once the submit button is selected none of these boxes can be moved. If 35 and 50 go in the wrong drop targets and submit is selected, the incorrect feedback appears, but then when you move them into the correct drop targets, the correct feedback doesn't appear. Is this because they don't have a drop target?

Actually, both of these problems are caused by the fact that you have it set to 1 attempt. After the user tries once, things quit working. If you want them to Try again, you need to give them more tries, which created a Try Again layer which you'll have to edit. The built -in layers operate this way:

If the answer is correct the Correct layer shows - When the learner clicks OK (or Close Feedback), the layer closes, and they are jumped to the next slide.

If the answer is incorrect, and there are still attempts left, the Try Again layer shows - When the learner clicks OK, the layer hides, and all parts of the quiz continue to function.

If the answer is incorrect, and it is the last attempt, the Incorrect layer shows - same as Correct, but with a different message.
So, if you want them to be able to move objects after submitting a wrong answre, give them more attempts. If you don't want them to move on until the answer is correct, give them unlimited attempts, like I did in the sample. This allows objects to continue to be dragged, and makes 35 and 50 cahnge states, almost like you want.

35 and 50 will go to drop incorrect if they are not moved to the drop target, is there any way this can be prevented?

If you delete the Drop Incorrect state, this won't happen, but then they won't show if incorrect if dropped on a wrong target. Sigh!

It seems to me that 45, 75, and 80 should show in the incorrect state if dropped on targets not connected to them. I don't know what's up with that, maybe someone else can help.

Here's the story with changes.


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