How do I set triggers on a drag-and-drop to force it to be correct

May 31, 2014

My course has a demo mode, where I want to force quiz questions to show the correct answers automatically.  This is easy to do with multiple-choice and T/F questions, because I can define a trigger to change the state of the correct answer button to "Selected".  But what do I set for triggers for a drag-and-drop?  I have tried all sorts of combinations of setting slide objects to "Drop correct" states, but, no matter what I do, I get an error when I submit the quiz about not having answered the question.

My quiz is a free-form drag-and-drop, with a hot-spot for each drop target.  There are two objects to drag to the correct location, and a third object that does not have a target.

4 Replies
Stuart S.

I extracted an example drag-and-drop quiz from my course.  I don't use the Correct and Incorrect feedback layers in my course, but set them up for this stand-alone test.  For some reason, the Incorrect feedback isn't showing.  I too much time trying to figure out why, but couldn't figure it out. 

It isn't important for showing the problem, however.  The issue at hand is how to set triggers so that SUBMIT sees correct answers when the "Show Me the Answer" demo mode button is clicked, without the user having to actually drag anything.

The example does bring out another question I have...  Is there a trigger that will reset dragged objects back to their original positions?

Kevin Thorn


I took a look at your file. It may be as simple as you have a "Jump To Next Slide" trigger along with the "Submit interaction" trigger when the learner clicks the Submit button.

Keep in mind, any trigger that navigates away from your slide is going fire even if you want other layers to show first. By default, the Jump To Next slide trigger(s) is tied to the Continue buttons on the feedback layers, not the main base slide Submit button.

Works fine now:

  • Deleted the freeform interaction and started over.
  • Removed the large hotspots and created targeted drop shapes (visually indicates the activity required)

Both feedback layers work as well as the show me answers layer.

If you don't want to use the feedback layers and want learners to advance after making their choice, do this to ensure proper tracking against a results slide:

  • Keep the feedback layers. 
  • Change the Jump To Next slide when the user clicks the Continue button to - Jump to Next slide when the timeline starts. Do this for both Correct and Incorrect layers.
  • Change the feedback layer Master slide to blank

The behavior above will still record the Correct or Incorrect drag choices, but now when the user clicks the Submit button it will show the feedback layer and immediately jump to the next question. This happens faster than the learner will see but tracks the feedback for end of quiz results and ultimately for your LMS reporting.

v2 attached. Hope this helps.

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