How to Number Quiz Questions Randomly Generated from a Quiz Bank

Mar 23, 2017

Yesterday, I met Tom K. and other super nice members of Articulate at the Learning Solutions Conf in Orlando. The page number features is still not in place for SL2. As many others have done, here's yet another workaround for adding page numbers to a Quiz that is randomly generated. 

This is in SL2 and it's simpler than it appears when written out  : )

In a nutshell, we are creating a variable to increment once the Submit button is clicked. This eliminates having to add and then subtract when a learner reviews the course. It also allows for one to retake the exam and starts the numbering all over again. This variable is then assigned to the page number placeholder variables, but only if they meet two conditions. 

If you try this and anything breaks or I missed documenting a step, let me know. Will respond when time permits. Good luck!

16 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hey Ediana! So glad you got to say hi to our team at Learning Solutions! We always love meeting people like you from the community. I hope you're enjoying the conference and the sunny Florida weather. :)

Major kudos to you for sharing this demo here! Numbering randomly-generated questions is a common request here in the forums, so I'll definitely bookmark this and refer folks to it in the future. Thanks a bunch!

Christine Cho

Hi Alyssa,

Thanks for the link to here, but this example still has the same issue I was asking about.  When you run the quiz, you end up having to answer 11 questions, even though the count is sent to 10.  However, when I replayed it has 10/10.  There is inconsistent behaviour.

I have a course that is made up of questions, I don't have the option to retake (which takes out a variable). When I've tested it will sometimes make me answer 101 out of 100 or will work correctly and give me 100 questions.

Ediana Gomez

Hi Christine,

The variable that serves as the counter (in your case the “pageCount” variable) should not be displayed at all. You had it on the slide master for all layouts. I removed it and just added a trigger on the quiz slide master layout to have it increment when the user clicks the submit button and only if the quiz_QX variables (which I created for each question) equal zero.  

Keep in mind that the counter starts at 1. If you do display it, it will go to N + 1, N being your total number of quiz questions set to display (e.g.. 5), but that does not mean you are getting N + 1 questions.

I made the modifications to your sample and it seems to work – see v2. The solution is the same minus the Retake variables and button. It still requires a variable for each question and that variable will be assigned the counter variable so long the condition exist (as long as, it does not have a page number assigned already) and once the learner gets to the results page to Review, the counter sets back to 1 (see Trigger on the Results page). It does not increment during the Review because it's set to increment only when the Submit button is clicked. And the “quiz_QX” variables are not overridden during the Review because they already have a page number. Disclaimer - this works, so long the user Exits the course after the Quiz OR so long they don’t jump out of the quiz via the TOC once they get started. A simple note as you have at the beginning works well. Hope this helps.

Maureen Matsumoto

Hi Lindsey.

There is an easier way to do quiz page numbering that will resolve your submit button issue, using the built-in slide number variables.

Create a new scene that only contains the draw from your quiz bank and use the built-in variable, Scene.SlideNumber. It will automatically number your randomly selected questions in order. You can also add the total number of questions. For example, your variable reference on each slide would be: Question %SceneSlideNumber% of 10

I have an example if you would like to see it. 
