hyperlink text formatting

Apr 03, 2014

Hi all

I'm using hyperlinks as a way for learners to select pieces of text (specifically, these are examples of customer service as related by customers during survey feedback, and the learners must select the best examples of service).

However, of course, the hyperlink text appears in blue, underlined, which makes it a bit obvious. Is there any way of formatting hyperlink text to make it appear normal? I know the cursor will change to a 'hand' when they hover over the text, but I would at least like to try and disguise it a little.

Any ideas?


2 Replies
Brian Allen

Hello Anne,

You should be able to remove most of the hyperlink formatting using your text formatting tools.  I was able to return the hyperlink to the normal text color and remove the underline. When I hover over the text becomes highlighted and I see the hand cursor, but that's not too bad.

If you really want to get sneaky, rather than hyperlinking your text you could use a hotspot.  Just draw the hotspot over the text and then hyperlink the hotspot.

The nice thing about the hotspot is that after adding it to your slide, you can right-click on the hotspot and choose how the cursor behaves when it's hovered over the hotspot, thereby hiding the hand cursor if you really want to, which is pretty nice.

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