If... and..., and..., and..., then go to X slide

Jul 14, 2015

Can anyone shed some light on how to create triggers  (+ conditions) for a complex "if/then" scenario in Articulate Storyline?  My project asks users 4 questions and they have to select one out of two options for each question (no right or wrong answer).  The 16 unique result slides will be made up of varying combinations of the 4 answers that the user gives.  

Attempt to illustrate my question:

Question #1 = a or b
Questoin #2 = c or d
Question #3 = e or f
Question #4 = g or h
16 unique outcome slides (based off of possible answer combos from Questions 1-4) - aceg, bceg, adfh, bdfh, etc.

Thank you!

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