Individual feedback of different answers

Aug 12, 2015

Hi all,

I am working in sl2. Included in my course there is a quiz where the student has to click multiple cells of a table and then click on submit. The table excist of 4 rows and 4 columns. This gives the student 16 possabilities to click. 


The correct answers will ofcourse give the slide layer of correct.

The incorrect answers will ofcourse give the slide layer of incorrect.

I sort of want to give the student feedback on each incorrect answer. So for example the student clicked on cell 1,1, but this is incorrect. So i want to give feedback on each incorrect answer. Also when a student should have clicked on 1,2, but missed this.


I dont know if my problem is clear enough. 


6 Replies
Rachel Barnum

Akiko, I've seen this done a few different ways. I think the most effective way is on the feedback later, include a button or a clickable "info" item next to each answer that provides feedback.

For example, if you have options A, B, C, & D, there would be an info icon next to each one on the feedback layer that would pop up feedback about it (regardless of the ones they got right or wrong - it can be good to see the feedback for the correct answers as well in case they guessed, or they felt like something was right but wasn't sure why).

Akiko .
Walt Hamilton

on the incorrect feed back layer, you could put small feedback text boxes, which could show or be hidden according to variables set by clicking answers.

If box one is clicked, set variable1 to true  on the quiz

if variable1 is true show explanation for why you should not choose answer1, on incorrect layer

I made an variable and set it on false and made a trigger if user clicks on the hotspot it turns to true. But when I tested it, with inserting the variable in a text box. It stayed at true even when i clicked another time to set this again on false.

How does this work?

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