Is it possible to have a 3rd tier of results slide

Oct 08, 2015

Hello all,

I have a question regarding results slide tiers...

Suppose you have a course made up of 3 quizes each with their own 1st tier results slide...

Can you have a 2nd tier combined points results slide for quiz 1 and 2... have another 2nd tier combined points results slide for quiz 2 and 3... and have a 3rd tier results slide that passes or fails the whole course based on if you score a min amount of points across quiz 1+2 AND a min amount of points across quiz 2+3.( not a combined result of all 3 quizzes)

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ryan,

So would the 3rd tier be tracking the 2nd tier? I guess you could...but I'm not sure I am following the purpose or need of this set up. Have you tested setting it up as such? The issue with it, is you can only report one to your LMS and tracking their answers off of a 3rd tier of results won't share what the user answered. 

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