Issue with Text on Hidden Buttons

Nov 15, 2012

I am having an issue with my button's text disappearing when the button changes state from normal to anything else.

This happens to me when the button's initial state is a custom state "Hidden" and some trigger (like another button) makes the hidden button change state to normal (then visible).

When the user then tries to click on this second button, the text will suddenly vanish. Here are some screenshots below depicting the scenario.

The user fires a trigger to show the hidden button.

The button appears normal in the 'Normal' state.

When the user hovers over the button to click on it, the button changes state and the text disappears. The text is now vanished until the orange button's state is reset to 'Normal'. Note that if the button is clicked, it will then be in the 'Visited' state and the text will not show.

Is this a bug with Storyline, or am I doing something incorrectly? Attached is a sample of the problem. I have been able to reproduce the problem in many ways (creating a custom button, trying to edit the text for the individual shapes in each state, etc.) Any thoughts?

Thanks for your help!



3 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hey Lucas,

Thanks for posting this. I'm getting the same thing as you and am able to replicate it. Can you please open a ticket with our support team, including your .story file, so we can get a case opened on this? Then, please feel free to leave your case number here so I can have it escalated appropriately. Thanks again for your help!

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