Keyboard navigation for developer: next slide

Sep 29, 2021

Not in the player, note. I want to be able to navigate to the next slide in the development environment. Storyline is pretty clearly emulating PowerPoint - why would you not use PgDn for "next slide"? It isn't as if PgDn is being used for something else? (Just in case it's not obvious, PgUp should be "previous slide".)

Is there another way to get to the next slide without finicky mouse movements? Keyboard nav is much easier and more familiar.

I did search this forum, but all I got were lots of shortcuts to use in the player


3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Carl,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are working on.

Page Up/Down will jump quickly through multiple slides in StoryView, but as Clara mentioned, The up/down arrows work great for moving between slides.

Here's a quick 1 minute Peek 360 video to demonstrate.

Storyline 360: Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Carl Fink

Thanks, Leslie. That's very useful. Also a poor design choice, in my professional opinion, for two reasons:

  1. It is nonstandard for no reason. This demonstrably will confuse people, and paradoxically will confuse experienced people more than beginners.
  2. If I'm using arrow keys to nudge selected objects and accidentally try it while nothing is selected, I will find myself five slides away (I tend to tap very fast when nudging) and have no idea what's going on.