4 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Simone,

Thanks for sharing what you see in your published project file.

I see the same error in your Review 360 link as well. I took a look at your .story file, and I do not see the Resources included in your player. Based on your link, that looks to be the method you were using. 

Here are the full instructions. Be sure to include step 1:

Storyline: How to Link to a Resource in the Course Player

Simone Hofmann

Hi Leslie

Thanks for your fast reply. 

I am wondering why you can't see the item listed in the .story file because it is created in the resources section. See picture attached. 

I have an other assumption. Could it have something to do with the fact that all files are newly stored on OneDrive?


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Simone,

I apologize. I worded that incorrectly and I can see how that wasn't very clear. I did not see the Resources included with your player, but I saw the Resources section's file. I've edited my comment above as well.

Yes, I can see your .pdf file included in the Resources section, but the Resources are not set to be included with your player, so, therefore, it's not pulling into the published output. This is covered in the first part of #1 in the document above: enable the Resources tab in your player.

I assume you do not want the resources listed at the top of your slide, which is why you have not included them in the default Player Properties. Not to worry, you can add a blank slide and include the Resources tab there. Here's a quick Peek 360 video to explain.

You also mentioned concern regarding OneDrive, and we do recommend working locally with your project files and assets.