LMS Variables and Multiple Results Slides

Aug 22, 2014

I am currently trying to report variables from each slide to an LMS (showing that those slides have been completed) AND report an assessment score to the LMS at the same time. I started out reporting the variables according to the information posted here: http://www.articulate.com/support/storyline/reporting-storyline-variables-to-an-lms

and that worked just fine. But then when I added the assessment questions and then created a second results slide and had all results from the other results slide (which included the variables) being submitted on the new results slide, the score was the only thing that recorded in the LMS—meaning that I lost the variable reporting. Is this possible? If so, am I missing something important? Or are two results slides even necessary?

Thanks for all input!

5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Allison,

You can include more than one results slide in your course, but you can only report one to an LMS. You could create a third, and master results slide which tracks both of the results slides you've created. The downside to that set up, is that you'll not see any question/answer detail - just the overall score. For more information on working with the results slide you'll want to review the information here.

Additionally, there is some information here on unsupported methods to allow for more than one reporting feature.

Kelly Taylor

I realise this was posted a loooong time ago but thank you , thank you, thank you. The link in these articles directing me to http://www.tracyparish.ca/2013/02/creating-and-tracking-a-storyline-course-with-multiple-quizzes.html has saved us so many headaches.
All of our courses have a two path process, and the scorm reporting had been bugging me for weeks. A huge help to get us started for the new year.
I'm now off to pop in my feature request and have the perfect example of what we are now after :D

Lauren Connelly

Hello Maura!

I'm not sure if Kelly is still subscribed to this discussion, so feel free to contact them directly by using the Contact Me button in their ELH Profile. You could also reach out to Tracy Parish directly. 

I also wanted to share a recent change that we've made in Storyline 360, which allows you more ways to track learners’ progress and results. Storyline 360: More Quizzing and Tracking Options