Manually 'reset to initial state' ????

Feb 20, 2014

Has anyone been able to reset a screen to it's 'initial state' via a variable.  Storyline only gives you two limited options of always resetting or not resetting.  However, I'd like to only reset when a task has been completed.  Very frustrating.   

Any advice? 

12 Replies
Simon Perkins

I had a discussion about this about 18 months ago.  Can't find it now.  Have you looked at using two duplicate slides; one that resets and one that doesn't?  Let's call them "Reset" and "No Reset".  This way, you could always call the "Reset" slide first and immediately check your variable (upon timeline start of slide), the value of which will determine if you continue running that slide or go to the 'next' one, i.e the "No Reset" slide (where you won't have to check the variable because that's been done on the 'previous' slide.

Perhaps not the most elegant solution, but logically it would work in most cases at least.


I tried that (having two slides).  Thanks.

Unfortunately that didn't work.   There's also some strange bug occurring where a slide layer will automatically play when the user returns a second time.  It seems like the functionality to reset a screen is there in Storyline, but there just isn't a way to control it.

Julian Stubbs

Did anyone find a solution to this? I have a quiz where I need the learner to retake only the wrong questions. I don't want to reset all the question slides because it loses the results of the passed slides on the results slide (it cycles back through the questions and skips them if passed).

Bit stuck.



Erin Librarian

I might be way off the mark on your issue, but I reset a drag 'n' drop by having a "reset" button that simply links to the layer the user is actually on; I used a trigger for this.  So, essentially, it just reloads the page afresh.  I'm on slide X, so when the user drops an item on hotspot A (or hits the "reset" button), the trigger shows layer/slide X, which is set to always set to initial state.   Is that what you mean?

TUI People  Development

Hello Storyline Community,

I see this is an old post, but I'm also looking for the same solution. I'd need to reset one slide to intial state "manually" at will, using a trigger. Is there a way to do this?

I have build a branching slide that sends users to 6 different activities. Everytime users enter an activity, I'm having the slides to reset to intial state . But there is one slide in one particular activity where I need to resume saved state (while playing the game).

I need that slide to resume saved state (while playing), because I'm using a number variable, and states, but when users complete it, I need everything to reset to intial state (to play again from scratch if they come back to it).

Any ideas?



Leslie McKerchie


I'm glad that Walt was able to pop in and help you here. It sounds like resetting the variables is the missing trigger to reset those slides when needed and prior to that, they should be set to resume saved state.

If we are misunderstanding or if you need some assistance with your design, be sure to share your .story file for folks to weigh in if needed.

TUI People  Development

Thanks Walt & Leslie,

Yes, I can reset the variable using triggers. I did that. But in this case, I needed to also reset the states (at will), I particularly wanted to reset to initial state at will, using a trigger, but I think this is not possible at the moment.

It could be a very useful feature to include in Storyline.