Masking (clip art) pictures in figures or background

Dec 16, 2020



I wrote that a few years ago it wasn't an option to mask pictures in a figure. Is something changed during the years? Is it possible? It would help me if there is a way to mask a picture in a figure and to make te picture bigger or smaller in the figure. 

Also for background images it aint possible to make it bigger or smaller in my storysize. I know that i can make a picture bigger or smaller, but i want it to move in my storysize and not overlap when i edit. Some tips? I hope i made my question clear for you guys.




1 Reply
Lauren Connelly

Hello Karakter!

I'm happy to help! I'm not confident that I understand what you mean by masking pictures in a figure? Do you have a screenshot that you can share with us?

If you're adding background images, I'd recommend using Slide Masters to configure how you want to background to display on multiple slides.