Multiple Select - Need to have more than the maximum amount of choices for protected classes quiz

Jul 18, 2019

hi there - i am trying to do a protected classes quiz which asks the learner to select all the federally protected classes. I'd like to have two columns with 8 choices each but I'm stuck with only one column, ten choices, and a scrollbar. Does anyone know of a workaround for this?

2 Replies
Jerry Beaucaire

I think you/'ll have to "fake" this one inside a TRUE/FALSE question.

  1. Create a true false question.
  2. Add a layer and a trigger on the base to show this layer immediately.
  3. On the layer manually layout your two columns of checkbox choices using the INSERT > INTERACTIVE OBJECTS > INPUT tools.
  4. On this layer you'll also need to setup your own manual "Submit" key.
  5. Create a trigger on the Submit key that sets the base layer TRUE to selected if the state of ALL 8 of your checkboxes is selected on the condition that each of your other options are all NOT selected.
  6. Create a trigger that sets the base to FALSE if any of the 8 are not selected
  7. Create a trigger that sets the baser to FALSE if any of the other options ARE selected
  8. Then set an auto-submit interaction to submit the real T/F question now that you have answered it.
  9. Last step is to draw something to hide the objects on the base layer so the user never sees them.

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