Need Help Sharing my Storyline videos

Jan 16, 2020

Hello!  How do I share my unfinished (work in progress) Storyline library (mainly videos) with my other team members so we can collaborate?  Thanks!!  Val  

3 Replies
Valerie Saboe

Hi Ashley,  Thanks for the quick reply.  Yes we are using Storyline 360.   The Review option is nice but we actually wanted to allow other team members to update content, not just review and write comments.  We found a way around it yesterday because we were on a time crunch.  We got into a room and worked together to collaborate on the necessary changes since only the author could edit the content.  If I am missing something, please let me know!  :-) Thanks again for all your help!!  

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Valerie,

Only folks with a Storyline license will be able to open your .story file to edit it. If your colleagues have access to Storyline 360 as well, you'd send them the .story file and they'd open it locally on their own computers.

If you want folks to only make edits to the text, and they don't have Storyline access, look at exporting for translation with the reference column. You could have them make edits in the "Translation" column which you could either import back into Storyline or make those updates manually! 

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