Next button not changing state

Oct 18, 2021

Hey all, 

I have this module here that is supposed to change the state of the (custom) next button from hidden to normal when the user views all three layers of info. 

I have tried getting the next button to change when;

- The state of each "See more" button is visited 

- The state of the variables for each of the layers are true ( Var PHseen = true , COseen = true , HCLseen = true)

No idea why it isn't working, the "seen" variables are working fine. 

4 Replies
Judy Nollet

Hi, Susan,

The trigger to change the state of your next button is set to execute when the timeline starts. But the base timeline is already done when the conditions are met (buttons are visited and/or variables are true). You need a different "when" for that trigger.

Here's a different "when." On each layer, add a trigger to the Continue button that changes the Next button to Normal, with the condition that all the necessary variables are True. (After you get one trigger set up, you can copy and paste it to the other Continue buttons.) 

By the way, you don't need any triggers to change the state of a button to Visited. That state has built-in functionality, so any object with a Visited state will automatically change to Visited when it is clicked.

Jackie Ha


It looks like the reason it's not doing what's intended is because you have created variables to do something if they are True, but you never set those variables to True. You actually did not need to create the extra variables because "Visited" is a state that is already available in Articulate. So behind the scenes, Articulate probably has a True/False variable that will adjust itself accordingly when you click on a button.
You can delete the triggers that you have for "When the timeline starts on this slide" and just create this trigger.

EDIT: Ah, looks like I was a bit slow haha.

Judy Nollet

Jackie's solution is even better, since it only needs 1 trigger (instead of my 3). 

BTW, here's my post about controlling the Next button. It refers to the built-in Next, but much of it could apply to custom buttons, too.