Next button status not changing when conditions are met

Mar 25, 2015

Hi everyone,

I have a next button with an initial status of disabled. The buttons status changes to normal once all conditions are met. What is happening is once all the conditions are met the button does change to normal before the next slide appears, however, when I return to that slide the button displays as disabled. You can however click the disabled button to move to the next slide.

I have done this many times in the past without an issues, but this time it's just causing grief. I have attached a file, if someone has a solution that would be great. What you need to do on the slide is click each element in the framework, view the content then click next/back to return and repeat until all elements have been selected. There is an order being click all elements displayed vertically then the 2 on either end (will make sense when you open the attachment).

2 Replies
Jan Vilbrandt

Hi Maree,

Your menu slide is set to "automatically decide". I think the trigger for status change is never executed a second time when you enter your menu slide again.

I suggest:

Try to save your status of your visited subslides by true/false variables for every menu entry. E.g. menu1, menu2, menu3, menu4, menu5, comms, monitor. Initialize them to false.

Set your menu-slide to "reset to Initial state".

Set a timeline trigger for your next button: Set status to "Normal" when timeline starts and the following conditions are met: menu1=true AND menu2=true AND menu3=true AND....  

If the user clicks a menu button, set the corrospondig variable to "true" and jump to the subslide.

The timeline trigger for your next-button will be executed every time the user revisites your menuslide. If all variables are true, the next button will change to normal.

Jan Vilbrandt

A second solution (easier to be done):

Add a trigger to each menu-button.... The trigger changes the next-button status, if all menu buttons were already selected:

Change Status of "next 1" when user clicks "comms" and all menu entries have the status "selected".

Maybe this is easier than my first solution.

But: take care of the correct order of your triggers... each menu-button has got three Triggers now:

1. change status of clicked menu button to "selected"

2. Change status of next button as described above.

3. Jump to slide.

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