Next button will not return after all objects are selected/visited

Jun 22, 2018

Hello again,

I am having a terrible time with getting the Next button to appear after all options in the FAQ slide are selected/visited. It works ok on the 2nd slide (even though is comes up too early-I would like that fixed too). I have tried and failed and need some help, PLEASE. I really need to understand how to fix this because I have another project that requires the same fix. I truly appreciate any assistance, have a wonderful day!

4 Replies
Walt Hamilton


There are a couple of things that keep the first slide from working. One is this trigger:


If an object has a "Selected" state, it has built-in triggers that automatically change to that state when you click it. If you create your own trigger to do the same thing, they will conflict, and the results are unpredictable.

Replace that trigger with this one:


It needs to include all five buttons in the conditions, and needs to go on every button, right after the trigger to show the layer.

On the second slide, the problem is this trigger:


It is maybe not a well-known, but newly known bug (See Ashley's first Reply) in SL that using "State of XXX is ..." in the "When" portion of a trigger only works if you have only three or four items in the conditions. It seems like a wonderful idea, but more items than that, and it just doesn't work. It's a timing consideration. (Note: this restriction doesn't apply if State of ... is used in the Conditions part of the trigger.)
You need to set the "When" clause of those triggers to fire based on an actual event (like "When timeline starts", or "When user clicks", or "When variable changes")


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