Offline Viewing - What Happens When Content is Updated?

Dec 02, 2013

Greetings!  I think I know the answer to this already, but I want to verify.

When publishing something with offline viewing enabled (not to an LMS, just a simple web hosting server), if the user downloads the module to their iPad, is there any way to make sure they get an updated version of that module?

It would be GREAT if there was a push notification system when something was updated. . .feature request, perhaps?

Dan Kaufman

2 Replies
Kevin Thorn

Hey Dan,

You're know the answer to your own question.

The only current way to notify users that have previously downloaded content of an updated version is to send them alternate means of communication - email, text, etc. 

A push notification would work I suppose if the Articulate App player somehow stay connected to those modules even if they were downloaded offline to know if an update was available. Just thinking out loud.

If you know there will be updates to the modules on a frequent basis, perhaps not allow for offline viewing. This will always ensure the learners are getting the latest version.

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