Order of triggers

Oct 27, 2017

Hello!  I am having small but annoying issue with triggers.  I have five shapes, that when clicked, will take you to a separate lesson.  In order to force the learner to go in order, the box for each lesson is not activated until the lesson before it has been clicked.  I have lesson one in a normal state, and the 4 lessons after in a disabled state.  When lesson one is clicked, I have a trigger sending it to the lesson one slide, and a trigger to change the state of lesson two to normal.  This only works if I put the state change as the first trigger, followed by the slide jump to lesson 2 as the second trigger.  The problem with that is that you see the lesson 2 shape "activate" before it jumps to the lesson one slide.  When I switch the order and have the slide jump before the state change, after the learner completes lesson one and returns to main lessons page, lesson two is still in the disabled state.  It's a super minor thing, but aesthetically it annoys me.  Any thoughts you might have would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

1 Reply
Walt Hamilton

Once a jump occurs, the execution of the trigger list is terminated, so the state is never changed.

Check out this sample: https://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-storyline/free-sample-restricted-and-free-random-navigation-using-variables-and-triggers 

The Restricted Navigation option does exactly what you are describing.

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