Possible Issue With Articulate Variables (Storyline 6)

Nov 07, 2014

Hello Everyone,

I am working on a very large course (around 310 screens), which is ended with a 35 question multiple-choice test. 

The final slide shows the users score (Your Score) and the passing score. I get the users score from the variable "Results.28.ScorePercent". I want to display it with a percent afterwards, so I did "%Results.28.ScorePercent%%". 

When I saw my initial error (see the "Passed" slide) I assumed it was because of the double percent sign at the end. However, the failed slide is the same line of code.

I think an obvious fix would be just to make it "%Results.28.ScorePercent% %" with a space between the variable the the percent sign. 

However, I never encountered this error before and I wasn't the one who took the screen shot, so I don't know what browser or OS they were using. The screen shot they sent me had no clues, but because this has always worked on PC, I am thinking they might be on an iOS platform.

I know there's some things that don't work across platforms (JavaScript, etc.) but I am fairly certain that Articulate variables do. Does anybody have any ideas on what the issue could be?

Thank you :)

7 Replies
Emily Ruby

Hello Kenton!

I tested your file, and I was able to get the correct % to show when passing and failing by adding back in the default set up for the scores. Under results slide option, check the boxes for show users score and show passing score.


I tested this in preview and in published output on a desktop PC and on an iPad using the iOS 8.1.

Attached is the file. I did remove one bank and changed the slide draw to 2 questions to make it easier for me to pass :)


Let us know if you need anything further!

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