Present Finish button before audio completes

Nov 22, 2013

Brand new to the “storyline” world and am just getting my feet wet…Here’s the deal:

It’s the last slide in a deck and I’d like to have “finish” button present when the audio is close to ending.

Currently, I have the last slide show a layer (with “finish” button) when the audio completes. The audio is 32 seconds.

Question: How do I get the “finish” button to present, let’s say, at 27 seconds into the audio and not waiting till the audio completes? I don't see another way using the drop downs, it only allows when the "audio completes"?.

4 Replies
Michael Hinze

I don`t think the Finish button needs to be on a separate layer. You could simply add it to the baselayer`s timeline and set the starting point of the button to x sec. (e.g. 27 sec.)

If you do want to keep your layer, you could add an offstage object that shows the layer (and with that the Finish button) when its timeline starts.

Dan Hughes

Michael Hinze said:

I don`t think the Finish button needs to be on a separate layer. You could simply add it to the baselayer`s timeline and set the starting point of the button to x sec. (e.g. 27 sec.)

If you do want to keep your layer, you could add an offstage object that shows the layer (and with that the Finish button) when its timeline starts.

Thanks for the help Michael !!! 

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