Prompt to Resume German (Deutsch)

Oct 22, 2018

Hi to my German friends. I have a course which is translated into German and I have set the text labels to German.

The Storyline default for the German equivalent of  "Would you like to resume where you left off?" is "Möchten Sie das Quiz dort fortsetzen, wo Sie es das letzte Mal unterbrochen haben?"

I have limited knowledge (ein bisschen) of German, but this doesn't look right to me. 

4 Replies
Michael Hinze

Yeah, it's not wrong, but it may be better to use a more general term, instead of 'quiz' (you may not have one in your project). You could use "Möchten Sie den Kurs dort fortsetzen, wo Sie ihn das letzte Mal unterbrochen haben?" or "Möchten Sie das Tutorial dort fortsetzen, wo Sie es das letzte Mal unterbrochen haben?" The second option sounds a bit more modern.