Jul 27, 2018

Hello :)

First of all thank you for being here.  I find E-Learning Heroes to be a major source of my education for Storyline 360.

I have a slide that the learner clicks on markers to get info on parts of a machine.

Once the user has seen all the marker's information I want the course to advance to the next slide.  I have that working but it happens too fast.  Is there any way that I can stay on the slide a bit longer before the trigger fires and the course jumps to the next slide.

I have included part of the story so that you can see what I mean.

Also I am new to Storyline so if you see where I could improve this story I would appreciate it. 

Thank You 

Ian Young


7 Replies
Michael Hinze

Technically, you can add a delay. The problem on this slide is that the various audio clips all have different durations, so there is no way of knowing how long that delay should be. It might be better to have a Next button on this slide which is initially disabled. Once all markers have been opened, the Next button can be enabled. 

Cary Glenn

Michael has probably the best idea. In that there is no way to know how long the delay should be. I added a shape and a motion path. The path is triggered when all buttons have been visited. It might not be the best solution for this issue but you could make it work. You can adjust the delay by adjust the time the motion path takes to complete.

Margaret Hales

I know this post is two years old. However, I have run into a similar issue. I do not have any audio. It is mentioned, technically you can add a delay. I have a set of Markers, and I have once all Markers are visited, the next layer is shown. However, when that last marker is visited, there isn't enough time to read through.  How do you add that delay? Any assistance would be appreciated. Unless it's just better to create a button to move to the next slide?  

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Margaret, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ✨

Thank you for reaching out! 

Since there are many ways of getting similar results in Storyline, some of our talented community members might have different ideas for you, but I'm happy to share a suggestion.

Instead of jumping to the next slide or showing a layer with content, you can have a blank layer that triggers the next slide when the timeline ends. You can then control how long that timeline will be (which will set the delay). 

I recorded a short Peek 360 video showing you how to do that.

Let me know if this works!