Quiz Attempts

Aug 24, 2020

I have created a course with four total quiz results slide.  The first three are for individual sections and the last will give the overall course score.  I want the learner to have 1 additional attempt to pass if they fail each of the first three sections on the first attempt.  My first results slide is working correctly, but the next two results slides are not allowing the user to retry if they fail the first attempt. Why would my retry button disable if it is the user's first attempt for that section?  They are currently all in the same scene.  Could this be the issue?  This is my first time working in Articulate.

4 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Savannah,

Thanks for sharing your file so that we could take a look.

Is your intent to allow one additional attempt for EACH of the quizzes? If so, you will need a different variable for each quiz.

For example:

  1. User fails Quiz 1
  2. User chooses to Retry
  3. Variable for Attempts is now =1
  4. The Retry button will not display on the Results slide for subsequent failure or for any following Results Slides due to using the same variable which is still equal to 1.

Let me know if that gets you headed in the right direction. I've attached your file with the changes mentioned to get you started.

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