Quiz master layout: Question - Answers side-by-side

Mar 17, 2016

Dear Community,

I hope anyone of you can assist me. I would like to have a layout where the question is on the left side (left box; top aligned) and the possible answers on the right side (right box; top aligned), such that below there is about 1/3 of the slide free where the feedback box can be displayed after submitting. Here you can find an example picture (manually arranged):

example layout

The issue: I modified the quiz master layout "Question" and I created a new slide with questions (multiple choice). The question text is perfectly arranged. But the possible answers are not arranged properly, see the following screenshots:

quiz m
(Quiz master layout)

applied layout to quiz slide
(Applied layout on quiz slide)

Enclosed you can also find the story file used to create this example. I always have to manually adapt the output, so the layout does not serve at all.  I really would appreciate your help. Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


6 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Patrick,

Thanks again for sharing your file. We've seen this behavior before and it is normally resolved by ensuring you've turned on "Do Not Autofit" as a part of the master slide text box properties for the answer choices. This issue only seems to occur after moving or resizing the answer box. Once you do so, you can reapply the layout to the problematic slide and the majority of times it'll reformat as expected - but if not you may need to look at recreating the slide. 

This older thread offers a few other steps if the file continued to not behave as expected, specifically the steps that Steve offered. 

Patrick Jakobs

Dear Ashley,

thanks a lot for your message. I am really sorry for the late reply, but I was out of office.

I tried the step you suggested as well as the proposals in the thread you linked. But unfortunately they do not solve my problem. Interestingly the form containing the answers still has "Autofit" enabled, even if I changed it to "Do Not Autofit" on the master template and created a totally new quiz slide.

As far as I have investigated this problem, I noticed that resizing the answer textbox is working fine as long as the text boxes are aligned horizontally (top: question title; below: answer textbox). But if I try to make them vertically aligned (left: question title; right: answer textbox) the answers textbox is not fitted properly anymore, such that the answers are not all visible.

So I made another test - I created a layout where both text boxes (question title and answers) are vertically aligned but only partially on the same height (see screenshot 'layout.png').  If I create a slide of it, you can see that the space of the answer box is not completely used, as indicated by the slider of the answer textbox in the image 'slide.png'. It looks like Storyline has a problem if the question title and the answers are on the same height. I think that this is a bug of Storyline, can you confirm this?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for the additional information about the height element. I was able to replicate that in terms of it automatically shortening the answer box height and including the scroll bar (regardless of the autofit properties) when the answer box and question box are next to each other and overlap in terms of the height. The difference in my new test files vs. your original file is I can resize the answer box to be larger without any formatting difficulties if I select the main outside bounding lines and resize it with that. It allows me to get rid of the scroll bar and the question/answer text appears normally.

I'll report the element regarding the height and added automatically to our QA team for additional review but I'm unable to offer a time frame in regards to when I'd hear back from them or any other information to share so in the meantime please continue to use the workaround as mentioned. 

Patrick Jakobs

Hi Ashley,

Oh yes, that’s true – resizing works without any problem. So I think that the easiest way would be just duplicating the first adapted slide and to edit the question and the possible answers. Then the formatting will be fine.

Alright, thanks for the workaround and have a great weekend!

Best regards,

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