Quiz question used for 2 different Results slides in same file?

Feb 14, 2014

Can the same quiz question be used twice for two different Results slides in the same published file? If so, that could solve my problem. I'm trying to aggregate 3 different quizzes together and submit the grand total. If my 4th quiz includes all of the questions from 1-3, it would get the same results from each and I could use that score. Thoughts on this approach? While it sounds like it could work, it doesn't seem to want to let me do it.

5 Replies
Jason Johnson

Wait, I just noticed something that I've never noticed before. Under "Edit Result Slide", there's another option under "Calculate results for:" that says "Selected Results Slides". I chose that. Previously, I had it on "Selected Questions". So this would be perfect for what I want to do, however, I want to show the user's final score from all quizzes and I don't see a variable generated for that. For example, when I created Results Slides for my individual quizzes, it created a variable called "Results.ScorePercent", "Results1.ScorePercent", "Results2.ScorePercent", and so on. But I don't see a variable generated for this Results slide that would house the aggregate score. Please advise. Thanks!

Jason Johnson

Seems like you should be able to present your aggregated score to the end-user somehow...but without that variable, not sure how to achieve it. If the math operations were more robust, I could easily do it manually but too many dummy variables are needed. I'll have to look into that option later. Wish it could just be easy.

Phil Mayor

Hi Jason, I just did a test file (attached) as I was sure I had seen variables created for Results slides of Results slides.

As you will see I set up two scenes, one with only one question each and a results slide. the variables for this are Results and Result1.

I then set up two different results slides of results slides one for combine (Results2) and one for must pass all (Results3)

You get variables every time, It should if you choose combine also aggregate the score already.

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