Quiz results in Storyline

Aug 01, 2012

Need to create in Storyline (or Presenter) a course with 3 sections - each section has a quiz at the end of the section.  User has to pass the quiz for section 1 before they can continue to section 2 and the same - pass section 2 quiz before they continue to section 3.  If they fail section 1 quiz, they would branch back to the beginning of section1 and would have to go all the way thru section 1 again before they repeat section1 quiz.  If they pass, they go to section 2, if they fail, they again branch back to beginning of section1 and again take the quiz.  If they fail quiz the second time - they are stopped and cannot go any further in the presentation. 

This same scenario would occur for section 2 and then again for section 3.  Will the fact that there will be 3 separate quiz results within the storyline cause problems?

I've got to give training a go/no go on Storyline's capabilities to do this asap - can anyone give me a 'sure, it is simple, just use triggers and branching, etc' for each quiz you set up or does anyone see any red flags?



12 Replies
Virginia Wilkinson

Thanks for asking and answering that question - I was just getting to that point.  Now I am able to move on to the next issue and question:

What is the best way to determine when user has attempted and failed the test 3 times and now needs to be sent to a slide that says 'discuss with your manager'? 


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