Restrict navigation until drag and drop is complete

Oct 06, 2015

Hi guys, I need a bit of help, my problem is hopefully simple to fix:

I have a drag-and-drop slide in Storyline 1.

I want to allow user to click "next" and proceed to next slide only when they have completed the drag and drop game. There are 5 drag and drop areas and they have to get them all, only then will they be allowed forward.

I have tried adding a trigger:

Jump to next slide when user clicks next button on condition scorepoints >= 10

where scorepoints is the score from the drag and drop slide, but no dice.

I have also tried adding a results slide which tells me the score part is working, what is going wrong? Is there an easy way?

2 Replies
Sinchu Raj

HI Ben

Lets do this in very simple way. please follow the below step to achieve.


  • Create one variable and set initial value as false
  • Add a trigger in correct/Incorrect layers to set the variable as true.
  • Put a condition in next button saying if variable is true then jump to particular side.

Free feel to ask if you have any doubts.


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