Resume saved states: 1 slide with many layers

Oct 18, 2019

Hello community,

I do have problems with the functionality "resume saved states". I read through a lot of threads regarding this topic for a while but couldn't figure out, what I am doing wrong.

So: I have only 1 Slide. This slide contains many buttons/layers - like Button 1 goes to layer 1, button 2 goes to layer 2 and so on.

When visiting one layer and closing it, the button colour changes to the state "visited". I want this to be saved, so that, when the user leaves andd returns to the course later, he sees, which buttons/layers he already has visited and which not.

The slide properties is set to "when revisiting: resume saved state."
The player setting is set to "always resume".

I read somewhere that the state is only saving when the slide changes, so therefore I used this tutorial to build around:

This is working fine for the first time I "save" and then leave the course, no matter how many buttons I clicked or how often I "saved". When I open the course a 2nd time, click another button and "save" again, this is not saving anymore after leaving and reentering the course for a 3rd time.

We are using Moodle.
I tried it with SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004.

There is a sample file attached with which I tested. The original one contains 32 buttons and layers.

I would be very happy if someone can help me with that or if there is a different workaround! Thanks a lot!

6 Replies
Jaqueline Schulz

Hi Wendy and Phil,

thanks very much for your responds. Honestly I didn't come up with the idea that it could be an issue with the LMS, I just thought I did something wrong with the resume functionality because I was using it the first time.

So therefore thank you for this hint. I will check this with our LMS administrators.

(I tested with the attached file in the LMS which has actually no content in it, so I think, here it cannot be a problem with the data limit.)

@Phil: Do you speak of the course completion in storyline or in the LMS? I probably could deactivate this because I don't require a course completion.

Jaqueline Schulz

Hi Phil,

thanks a lot for clarification. You are right, our LMS statet the course as "completed" and switched to the review mode because the tracking was set to "using number of slides viewed" which was 2. By "saving" the course, the 2 slides have been visited and therefore it was stated as completed.

I was thinking of two ways: either deactivate the course completion at all as we don't need it in this example (couldn't figure out whether this is possible) OR set an course completion trigger to "completed when all 32 layers have been visited" (32 layers in original project). For the second thought I found some forums but it sounded very complicated and a lot of efford to me.

So what I did now is:

Adding a simple button and the trigger "course completion when button is clicked", then hid the button with a shape in the background colour of my course. And of course changed the tracking setting when publishing to "use course completion trigger".

So now the user actually doesn't have the possibility to click the completion button and complete the course at all and even, when all slides are viewed and "saved" it remains in normal mode and doesn't go the review mode.

This now works how I want it. The user can "save" his status and always sees what content he has visited. If there is an easier way I am very curious about it, but I am satisfied with this solution.

Edit: If I got this right, it should also have worked, when I transformed the layers to slides. Then I would not need the "save" workaround.

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