Show Hint Caption several times in one slide?

Aug 24, 2016

Hi all! In my Try mode Project I want the Hint Caption to show when the timeline starts AND when the user clicks outside Hotspot or Text Entry field. When I inserted the Try mode steps the try mode options where "Show hint captions when hovered", (because I don't want the Hints to show Always). The Hint Caption shows ok when the timeline starts but not when user clicks. When I set the trigger "Show layer Hint Caption when the user hovers the mouse over the Hotspot" , the Hint caption shows all the time when I click somewhere in the slide. Slide properties set to Advance by user and revisiting Automatically decide.  Any suggestions on how to solve this, or must I have the "Show hint caption Always" selected in try mode options?

5 Replies
Carola Thurfjell

Hi!  I've attached a sample slide so that you can take a look. I realise that I must clarify my question. I don't want the trigger "Show layer Hint when the user hovers the mouse over" text entry or hotspot. I just want the hint to show when timline starts ant when the user clicks outside hotspot or text entry.


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