Show layer after state of all buttons = visited?

Mar 31, 2022

I want a layer (Done Button Layer on Exercise slide) to appear after all buttons on the base layer have been visited but it's not working. Seems I'm missing something obvious but I can't find the answer. 

Additional question. Is there a way to direct the user to a new slide after all buttons have been visited while allowing the user to see the last item that was clicked? This is why I created the done button layer and Ash Ketchum slide because otherwise the user would go straight to the Interaction Complete slide before having a chance to read the last button item because they're directed there as soon as they make that click. Hope that makes sense and thanks!


3 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Put the trigger to show the Done Button Layer on the last layer, set to fire when the timeline on the layer ends if all the buttons are Visited. If you want them to be able to visit the layers in any order, put it on each layer, otherwise, just put it on the last layer.

Set the Done Button Layer not to hide other layers.

See the attached sample.