Simple Progress Bar - Driven from Master Template Slide

Mar 07, 2017

My requirement was to build a progress bar (showing the timeline of a "step-by-step" screen recording); furthermore, I wanted all the triggers to live on a master layout slide: so I could simply insert the layout with no further trigger tweaking. 

I'm posting what I came up with for anyone to butcher for their own requirement. The only thing you need to change is the variable SLIDETOT - this holds the total number of slides you want to track and is used in the progress calculation.


8 Replies
Shawn Woodworth

Thank you for sharing! This is great. One issue I have though is we do allow previous and next navigation in our course and it doesn't seem to retain the progress meter state for the slide displayed. I have set the slide properties to resume saved state but it doesn't seem to fix that issue. Any ideas? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 

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