Slide Numbering

Jun 05, 2019

I've seen examples of slide numbering.  Is there a document that describes the various options in detail?

Little help with the difference in "Slide number in project" vs "Slide reference in project".


10 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sam,

I think it's easiest to understand this when looking at one slide in question. So for example, in my image below I had 1 scene and this was the 3rd slide in that scene. So the slide number in the project (3) vs. the slide reference in menu (1.3):


As within the menu you'll see the slide number indicated as `SceneNumber.SlideNumber`

Sam Carter

Hi Ashley,

Thanks for your example using numbering in Menu, but the example I posted was for numbering "in project".  The tests I ran show no difference in the displayed values of "slide number in project" versus "slide reference in project".

"slide number" in project seems intuitive.  "Slide reference" in project? 


Sam Carter
Ron Price

Hey Sam,

I think in project would come into play if the scenes were not in the same order as the menu.  The main use case I can think of is in a review cycle, especially if someone is not using Review 360 - someone could reference the exact slide versus the slide as it appears in the menu.  

I had to re-run tests after reading your reply. I got different results this time which raises the question of what did I see or do first time testing.

You are absolutely right.  Slide reference displays scene.slideNumber e.g., 2.3, 4.5

I don't know what happened first time around but I was seeing single digit results for reference.

Thank you.

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