Special characters in Scorm 1.2 (Swedish åäö)

Oct 24, 2022

Hi! I am trying hard to find a solution to read out special characters from our LMS (Totara) 

From the thread linked below, I found a solution for Scorm 2004 which is excellent but I want to use some of the functions coming with Scorm 1.2. I, therefore, wonder if anyone has a solution to this problem. 


Swedish åäö (and other special characters are converted to underscore.

See examples:

Scene1_QuestionDraw101_Slide5_MultiResponse_0_0 NOx NOx correct 1
Scene1_QuestionDraw101_Slide6_MultiResponse_0_0 _r_ofarlig_vid_spill_och_utsl_pp_till_naturen,Anv_nds_p__dieselfordon_med_SCR-katalysator _r_ofarlig_vid_spill_och_utsl_pp_till_naturen,Anv_nds_p__dieselfordon_med_SCR-katalysator correct 1


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