Storyline 1 - Trigger based on states of all buttons being "visited" is skipping the slide for the last button

Feb 08, 2017

I have 7 buttons on a slide that branch off to 7 different slides.  I have a slide trigger set to jump to slide 1.15 when the states of all 7 buttons are "visited".  Regardless of the order that I click the buttons, when I click the last button I go to slide 1.15 instead of the branching slide.  Do I need to use a variable instead?


12 Replies
Michele Liggett

I tried a different approach using variables - removed my trigger based on states = visited. Created a variable "alldone" set to 0 initially.  "Alldone" adds 1 each time the timeline ends for one of the branching slides, up to at least 7.  Then I set trigger on original slide to go to slide 1.15 when "alldone" is >= to 7.  Now all 7 branching slides are being opened, but the trigger to go to slide 1.15 is not occurring.

Leslie McKerchie

Hey Michele - Looks like you were super close to the result you were looking for. I think adding a simple action item to jump to your slide 1.15 would assist. As in updating this trigger to jump to slide when user clicks textbox if alldone = 7 vs just having it set for when the variable changed - as that happened on a different slide. I also switched (for ease of testing and to be sure the slide 'counted') the alldone to increment when the slide started vs finishing. Your updated file is attached.

Michele Liggett

Thanks, Leslie.  Your solution does work. But there's nothing on the slide for the user to know to click on the textbox.  So I added a button "continue" that's normally hidden state, but when variable "alldone" >= 7, the button should appear, and there's trigger on the Continue button to take them to slide 1.15.  I've run preview a few times, but the Continue button never changes state to normal, even though I can see the variable is >= 7.


Leslie McKerchie

Hello Michele - Did you visit each of the sections? Your trigger is dependent on the user visiting all sections and the variable being greater than 6 from what I'm seeing. It works for me, the Continue button displayed, and I moved to slide 1.15 as you mentioned. This was from preview. Were you having an issue in a different environment?

Michele Liggett

I visited each section, and saw the variable increasing.  It also started to act odd for me, after 3 or 4 buttons, when I clicked the Previous button instead of going back to slide 1.4, it showed a blank grey screen.  I was previewing the full project.  I checked that all the slides had the Previous button triggered to go to 1.4 so not sure what's occurring.

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