Storyline 360 lightbox does not displayed correctly when published as HTML 5

Feb 22, 2018

The February 20, 2018 (Build 3.13.14869.0) for Storyline 360 states "Fixed: We fixed some issues with lightboxes in HTML5 output, including matching questions that wouldn't work and exit buttons that were offscreen."

However, there are still unresolved issues relating to lightboxes in HTML5 output.

When the "Player size: Scale player to fill browser window" option is selected, the lightbox view would be zoomed-in or magnified to the extent that contents on the lightbox slides are clipped and the exit button is not visible or accessible. Users must select the setting "Player size: Lock player at optimal view" in order to see the full lightbox slide including the exit button.

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

The issue with Lightbox slides covered the entire course when the player was set to fill the browser in HTML5 output was fixed in the Articulate 360 update released today!

Take a look at the release notes here, and you can install the latest update from the Articulate 360 desktop tray application by clicking Update

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