Storyline 360 - Motion Paths with multiple points that are timed

Nov 15, 2017


Is it possible to have a shape move to multiple areas with motion paths?

I want to highlight bullet point text as the audio refers to it.

is this possible?


9 Replies
Mike Enders

Hi Tom,

You sure can! The key is going to be "Relative Start Point" on the animation. Since your elements are all evenly spaced, it makes it super easy.

1. Add your animation (which you've done).

2. In the animation options, select "Relative Start Point"

Now, every time the animation is run, it will begin in the position where it ended the prior animation. 

3. Add a trigger to run the animation (move) each time it hits a cue point. 

I've updated the file accordingly and will attach here.

I hope this helps!


PS. This file works so well because the spacing is super even. If it wasn't, you'd still use relative start point, but need to add additional motion paths (at different lengths) to account for the alternate distances that it needs to travel.

Lisa Spirko

Hi Mike,

I'm having trouble getting an object with multiple motion paths to move. I looked at your motion_path_me.story for clues as to what I'm doing wrong, but your rectangle doesn't move either. It looks like there's only one motion path set up with multiple triggers for different cue points, but it doesn't even move along that first motion path. Thoughts?

Jennifer Wagner

Instead of using cue points and relative start points, I was also able to get multiple motion paths of different lengths to animate correctly by using the when Animation completes trigger in 360. (However: Pushing play in the timeline when editing the slide will only show the first motion path, but the normal preview and the published version both work fine.)

If you are using different length paths, it is slightly easier than using cue and relative start points since in that case, you have to place the paths on top of each other (matching up the yellow dots) rather than where you actually want the object/shape to go on the screen. With the Animation completes trigger, you just put the motion paths where you want them, and they simply animate one after another.

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