Storyline capability?

Sep 13, 2012

Hi all,

Can Storyline allow me to :

Q1) Create a Quiz that branches depending on the user's input?

Q2) Give a visual summary of the quiz in a histogram graph? (javascript coding?)

Q3) Track-archive each answer in Moodle v2.2?

Many thanks!



13 Replies
Justin Grenier

Good Morning, Frank.

Here are some additional resources that I think will help you:

  1. Check out how Matt implemented branching within a quiz based on user input.
  2. You will find an excellent Knowledge Base article here regarding JavaScript best practices and examples.
  3. Phil Mayor seems to be our resident expert on Moodle.  He has provided relevant responses to Moodle questions here, here, and here.

Please let us know if you need anything else.  Thanks!

Frank Fournier

Thanks Justin!

I have other questions concerning screen cast...

Q4) In Adobe Captivate I can compress a project-screencast from 1024*768 to 800*600 (targetting Ipad). Can this be done with Storyline? (Need to capture in 1024*768 as a first step)

Q5) I also need a video output compatible with HTML5 video standards and flash fallback for old browsers... What is the workflow to follow with Storyline?

Have a great day!

Frank Fournier

Hi again!

I am new to all of this...

With Moodle v2.2 - SCORM 1.2 I still can't retain the results of each questions of my test (server side). I need the details not only the total score sent to Moodle... Is this a Scorm 1.2 limitation?

Also, since there are some branching in the Quiz, how does Moodle handle that? Student A could follow a different path than student B...

Do slides 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 have to be of equal weight?

I have included my Storyline file and a few screen shots :

Thanks for any pointers!

Annie Jean

Hi Frank,

Je ne connais pas Moodle, Phil Mayor est vraiment la personne la mieux placée pour en discuter avec toi.

J'ai fait des tests avec des modules Storyline dans plusieurs LMS et il y en a peu qui recueillent les réponses et pas seulement le score.

C'est une limitation des LMS, certaines compagnies admettent même que si le questionnaire n'est pas fait à partir de leur propre outil auteur ou de quiz, les réponses ne peuvent être compilées.

Après de multiples recherches, je peux te dire que Articulate Online le fait... comme de raison. J'ai également trouvé SCORM Cloud qui compile également les réponses.

En ce qui concerne le résultat final, dans l'exemple que je vois, il n'est pas nécessaire d'attribuer un pourcentage puisqu'il semble s'agir plutôt d'un exercice personnel.

Donc, peu importe le nombre de questions répondues, si tu gardes juste le nombre de points récoltés et pas le nombre de points possibles total, le fait que deux questions ne soient pas répondues n'a pas d'incidence.

J'espère que ça te sera utile.

Bonne journée!


English version to come

Annie Jean

Hi Frank,

I don't know Moodle, Phil Mayor is really the best person to discuss it with you.

I made tests with Storyline modules in several LMSs and there are a few that collect answers and not only the score.

It is a limitation of the LMS, some companies even admitted that if the questionnaire is not made with their own authoring or quizzing tool, answers cannot be collected.

After multiple searches, I can saythat Articulate Online collects the answers, as you would expect. I have also found SCORM Cloud that compiles answers.

As for the final results, in the example I see, it is not necessary to award a percentage because it seems be a personal exercise rahter than a graded quiz.

Thus, no matter the number of questions answered, if you just kept the number of points collected and no passing score, the fact that two questions are not answered has no incidence.

Hope it helps and have a nice day!


Phil Mayor

Hi Frank

Storyline sends all of the question data to Moodle, you can now create scorm reports of the results in moodle 2.2 and these are better but still need time spent on to get the data you need, luckily you can export to excel and then work with it.

As an admin or teacher access the scorn and instead of launching the scorm choose reports


Frank Fournier

Hi Phil,

I did the round trip already (Moodle report to Excel) and only have the total for the quiz... Is there a particular parameter to set in Storyline? Still stuck.

I also realize that I need to know which question has been choosen in a branch scenario (in my case Q12A, Q12B or Q12C).

Are the (question number + question answer) pair sent to Moodle? Could I not compile the whole test myself with a  Text variable (Q. no. + Q. answer) a send a single blob of text to Moodle that I could later on handle?

Is ther a hook to do so? Say within each question and finally I guess through the last Storyline report slide that would trick the LMS by sending my Javascript Blob instead of the total %. 

I am also struggling with my branching mechanism... I can branch from slide Q12 to Q12A, B or C with my Multichoice question on the click event but I bypass the Player's submit button... I have though added my own button. Can I hide the player's submit button? Or there is another way around?

Many thanks for your time!

Phil Mayor

I have just been to our site and downloaded the interactions report, I get the score and the questions and answers.  Are you sure your choosing the interaction report.  It is not the prettiest report but it is what is being sent to the database.

Would be difficult to send them yourself, what field in the moodle databasewould you force them into?  You can send a score to the database,.

Branching ion the player is set in the question form at the bottom (click on the more button)

You can hide the players submit button, clck on the cog next to the base layer and uncheck the submit button

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