Storyline: How to enable the next button on chapter completion & play End of webinar audio only once & show the End of webinar button appear permanently.

Feb 02, 2023

Storyline Explanation:

Please find the full explanation inside the storyline file attached below.

How to write triggers for the scenario on the below-given screenshot?

2 Replies
Garth Yorko

I used a combination of True/False variables and States to control the way the buttons and navigation works.  I also created a new layer on the Homepage to play the final audio.  Set the slide properties to Resume Saved state for the Homepage and for the Layer on the Homepage.  That will prevent your audio from re-playing.

The button change state when the timeline starts based on the values of the Chapter variables. The Chapter variables change to True when the user clicks the next button on the chapter page. The If the corresponding variable is True, the Button state is changed to a custom state (Done).

Once Chapter 6 variable is True, then the state of the Next button on the Homepage changes to Normal (from hidden).  There is a True/False variable on the Final Page the changes to True when the learner clicks the Next button.  This triggers a change to the End of Webinar button the change state to Normal (from hidden).

Finally, show the audio layer on the homepage when the timeline starts if the Final Page variable is true.

See attached.