Submit Essay 2

Jun 15, 2020

So I gather a submit essay survey slide requires a results slide, correct? So where is it submitted too? I would like to be able to view these answers to the survey. I will be housing the course in the Workday LMS. Appreciate the help.

1 Reply
Sam Hill

I think I may have answered this in the other thread, but in case anybody else views, the essay questions are sent to cmi.interactions on the LMS. Most LMS will have a way of reporting on cmi.interactions. SCORM 1.2 has a character limit of 255 characters. SCORM 2004 has a limit of 4,000 characters but I believe Storyline uses fill-in rather than long-fill-in and so an edit needs to be made to the SCORM functions file in order to be able to store up to 4,000 characters.

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