Switch player logo

Nov 13, 2015

Hi, what i need to do is to have 2 different logos on the same course. I will be using one or the other depending what the user purchase. I mean, if the user purchases a certification of one university or other that we have available. If the user purchase a certification of teh university of Rosario i want to show the logo of that university and if he choose the university of Misiones, i want that logo to appear. It is the same course but with different logo in the player. Is thare any way to do this?  


thanks in advance

2 Replies
Mike B.

The only reliable way I can think to accomplish this is to re-design your player so that you're not using the "logo" feature on the player, but instead have your logos in different layers on the slide master. You can then use a variable and triggers to determine which logo should be displayed. I'm not sure how you plan to set this at the beginning of the course though. Does the user just choose which course version they should see?

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