Trigger an event on entering or exiting a slide

Jun 29, 2022

Hi All,

Is it possible to trigger an event to happen, for example changing a variable, on entering or exiting a slide? 

The closes way of doing it I can see is triggering from when the timeline starts or ends. But doing it this way, for example, if i set the variable to change when the timeline ends, and the user click off of the slide before the timeline ends then the variable does not change; which will impact the rest of the course. 

Changing the variable from exiting the slide will give me the security that it has definitely happened. 
If this is not possible, any advice? 

Thanks for your help in advance. 

3 Replies
Walt Hamilton


Trigger the exit activity with clicking the object that exits the slide. Be sure you change the variable BEFORE the "Jump to ..." trigger, or it won't work.

If you need to, you can change the variable on both the "Click to Exit" object, and the "End of timeline", if end of timeline advances the slide.

Ben Kill

Thank you. This nearly covers it. The only issue that is still there is if the user clicks away from the slide from within the menu found in the integrated player. 

It’s unfortunate you cannot make events from entering and exiting the slide. This is possible in other authoring tools. 

Thanks again. 

Jose Tansengco

Hi Ben, 

You can also change your variable when the next slide loads, which should happen as quickly as when the user 'exits' the current slide. Let's take for example Slide A:

  • You can have a variable that changes when Slide B loads, provided that certain interactions took place in Slide A
  • When a user exists Slide A, the variable that you want to change can be changed through the user of triggers when Slide B loads, which will happen as soon as the user exits Slide A. To a learners perspective, there will be no different between the variable changing when they leave Slide A, versus when Slide B loads.

I would also recommend creating a feature request to our product team to let them know about your need for this functionality.