Trigger/Variable Problem

Aug 26, 2015

Trying to debug my module, and it seems there must be something I don’t understand… been trying for almost 2 days now – ugghh…

Here's the gist of my module:

I want the learner to view 11 items; each is on its own slide layer and has audio associated. When the media (audio) on each layer completes for each of the 11 items, the state of an item on that layer changes. I’m using the state of that item to test when to change “Complete” to True.

The variable “Complete” should only be changed to True IF the learner has viewed all of the 11 items (e.g. the media completes on that layer, and the state of an item on that layer has changed as a result).

Once all of the items have been viewed, the learner will be able to click the Next button and proceed to the next slide.

However, when the users STARTS the 11th item, “Complete” becomes true immediately, and the user is able to click Next to go to the following slide.screenshot

It seems that the variable is changing before the conditions are checked (conditions being that all of the layer items that change states at the end of the media playing have changed their states. In other words, all of the audio has finished playing).

Can anyone spot the error in my logic? I tried adding the same conditions that are on the variable changing onto the “Jump to Slide” trigger as well, but that didn’t help.

Below is a link to my project.  

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Anne,

Thanks for sharing your file here and I'm taking a look. I'm trying to decode a bit more about the trigger you set up for the "complete" to true because it seems a bit more complicated than needed. The buttons you have for 1-11 have the state change occurring on another image of the button that is on the individual layers, even though you're changing the button's state on the base slide from a hidden to normal state and covering up the initial button. 

I'd suggest to begin stripping out some of those unnecessary elements and letting Storyline's built in functionality take over - for example here is how different button states will behave. 

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