Triggers Do Not Save

Apr 07, 2021

Hey All,

I feel like I'm going crazy. I have a large project that includes multiple languages and use dropbox to save the files. For some reason, the next button, won't save the next button/swipe triggers I set. It will revert back to the default 'next slide' either on one specific slide or sometimes it's completely random slides. Any ideas on why ? Anyone else have this issue when saving through dropbox? Maybe that's the cause.

1 Reply
Tom Kuhlmann

Not sure what's going on, but I've had issues working from Dropbox in the past. It's possible that you may run into a conflict while working in Dropbox as it tries to sync. 

You could pause the syncing and see if that helps. I work from my desktop and use SyncToy to sync my files to Dropbox later in the day. That helps with some of the conflicts I was getting.

If you move the file to your desktop and the issues persist, contact the support team and they can see if there's another reason why you have them.