Trouble reordering triggers

Jan 22, 2021

Hi all.  I'm new to Storyline and things are going fairly well with the exception of my first slide in a course.  I simply can't figure out a way to rearrange the order of my triggers.  They are greyed out.  I've even deleted all of the triggers and reentered them in the correct order but the system over rode my attempts and kept the same order.  Specifically, I'm trying to get the hint caption to show up when the user hovers over a field.  This trigger is not working, I believe because it is at the bottom of the triggers list and never gets activated.  Any thoughts?  I've attached the triggers for the slide in case it is an obvious error that I simply can't see. 

Thanks in advance for any idea.  (BTW - I did scroll through these discussions and tried my things suggested for other in this situation).

Best, Phyllis

Jump to slide NEXT SLIDE
When the user presses ENTER after clicking on TEXTENTRY-SEARCH
If TEXTENTRY = value COPY PAPER (ignore case)

Show layer TRY AGAIN
When the user presses ENTER after clicking on TEXTENTRY-SEARCH
If TEXTENTRY not= value COPY PAPER (ignore case)

Jump to slide NEXT SLIDE
When the user clicks HOTSPOT-SEARCH
If TEXTENTRY = value COPY PAPER (ignore case)

Show layer TRY AGAIN
When the clicks outside TEXTENTRY-SEARCH
If TEXTENTRY not= value COPY PAPER (ignore case)

Set TEXTENTRY equal to the typed value
When TEXTENTRY-SEARCH loses focus

When the user hovers over TEXTENTRY-SEARCH
Hide layer when the user hovers out

1 Reply
Walt Hamilton

The problem is not with the trigger order. That trigger is the only one that is fired when the user hovers over, so technically, it is at the top of its particular list. Not being able to move a certain trigger is not a problem. SL groups them according to what object or action they are attached to. Some of those orders are set because of the method of internal processing.

I'm not sure what you mean by the triggers being greyed out, but that may be related to the real problem. If you will attach the .story file here, it will be much easier to help you isolate the problem.