Unable to play / preview added video in SL3 slide

Mar 17, 2021

We used the uploading a video from website functionality to play a video in a slide in SL3, using the embed code in the process. The video is located on a Microsoft Steams webpage. We wanted to review what the video would look like in the SL3 slide, but it would play in Preview mode and give the below error. What do we need to do to get a video working in SL3? 



4 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Raymond,

I'm sorry to hear you're running into this error while previewing your course! A few questions to dig deeper into:

  • Have you confirmed the link is public and not locked by password?
  • Have you tried publishing that slide to see if the link works when the course is published?
  • Have you tried to insert the video as a web object instead?

If you've verified all these tips, feel free to share the slide with our support team, and they can take a closer look at what may be causing the error!

Leslie McKerchie

Thanks for the update, Raymond.

Although most Storyline content displays during preview just like it will when you publish, there are a few items that are unavailable during preview.

  • Videos from websites, such as YouTube and Vimeo
  • Web objects
  • Engage interactions
  • Print results
  • JavaScript triggers
  • Hyperlinks may not work as expected during preview. Publish to test hyperlinks.