Upgrading tutorials already published.

Jul 21, 2015


I have developed several tracked tutorials and published them to articulate online. My issue is hopefully a simple one to address but I want to follow the correct method. My issue is that my published tutorials could do with editting to improve them. Do I delete the tutorial from online and then re-publish from storyline. Or do I make the changes in stotyline and re-publish and online will overwrite. As I have people tracked within articulate online I am also unsure what happens here if I delete when I should not.  Any advice would be most welcome.


Regards Keith

3 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Keith -- You have a few options here. If you choose to edit your course, and keep the published title the same, you will be prompted with a choice to overwrite, and would want to click YES, as seen below:

However, If you have plenty of room for courses, though, then it might be best to upload the changed course separately. There can be issues that arise if you decided to update and overwrite your  content more than a few times. In addition, if at some point you want to delete something but keep the data, you have the option to export it to .csv. 

Please also see this article on Updating content in Articulate Online, as well. Hope that helps!:)

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