Use of previous button accesses slides in resumed saved state but a loop back after failure of quiz triggers a reset for (1) slide, and (2) scene

Apr 08, 2018

We want restricted progression on menu with ability to use previous button to review previous slides that were completely viewed (condition on next button attached to slide completion variable) but also want required review of content (slide, slides or scene) upon failure of later related quiz content which requires a reset of related slide, slides or scene.  So we want to keep the when revisited slide properties on resume saved state to support backward navigation with previous button(s), but some way of resetting the slide, slides or scene when looping back to related content after failure of related part of the quiz.  Plus we would like to make sure that the learner cannot skip the required re-review of the section of content using the restricted menu structure that was opened up on the first pass through (I suspect that this is what articulate does but not sure).  In addition, we need to re-route the learner back to the failed part of the quiz upon completion of the re-review. At this point the only option that appears available is to create and hide from the menu structure, a copy of the various content sections attached to various components of the quiz.  Any help available?

1 Reply
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Graeme.  It sounds like you're looking for a workaround to get slide properties to behave differently depending on the way learners are experiencing a slide.  Both slide properties and restricted navigation will behave the same way whether your learners are encountering a slide for the first time, revisiting using the previous button, or revisiting after failing a quiz.

When you retry a quiz, that function will reset quiz questions, overriding the property to "resume saved state."  You want to reset content slides, however.  Instead of using the "revisiting" behavior in slide properties, you might have better luck with using variables to control what happens to slide content during different revisits.

I'll defer to the community for more concrete suggestions!

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